Friday, 26 July 2013

Bubbly Cranes

Materials That You Will Need:

Blowing bubbles
Bubble wand
Food colouring 
Plastic Cups
White printer paper

Quick Tips:

The paper is very fragile after you have covered it with bubbles.  This may take a couple tries, so be patient!

1.  Fill half of a plastic cup with blowing bubbles.  Put 3 drops of food colouring into the bubbles, mix with bubble wand.  Do the same thing with as many colours as you would like.

2.  Just have fun!  Experiment with different ways to colour the paper with bubbles.  Blow coloured bubbles at the paper, and let them pop.  Dip the paper in the bubbles.  Pour, drip, splatter, and flick, and these are only some ways to colour the paper.

3.  Once you have coloured the paper with the bubbles, let them dry completely.

4.  Got to, and follow the instructions on how to fold the paper crane.  You can also just leave the paper as is, and use it to write on.

5.  Once you have folded a magnificent crane, draw a symbol on the front with a Sharpie.

Are you a Harry Potter fanatic? Do you love to craft?  If so, please check out my other blog at!  Thanks!

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